The Ultimate Cause of Everything: Connect with Your Ultimate Self

Posted on October 10th, by Dr. Puff in Articles. No Comments

When looking at causation, we need to ask: What causes things? What is the ultimate cause of everything? By taking a look at the universe we can see that everything is interlinked at such a level that we can’t help but wonder if anything really can happen. We need to understand that it’s up to the universe to make things happen. The entire universe needs to conspire to cause them to happen.

There’s this wonderful saying that I like: “When I pull a blade of grass, the entire universe shakes.” Scientists and philosophers around the world will agree with and validate the fact that things are interconnected. Everything is interlinked even at microscopic level. But all this causality and interlinking occurs in space and time. When it comes to enlightenment, what we’re talking about is that which is before, beyond and transcends space and time. In this realm, this realm beyond description, there is no causality. Everything and the world just is, because it is. There is no cause and everything has no cause.

Often I compare this analogy to water or the vast ocean. The ocean can take various shapes. It can transform itself into ice cubes that are magnificent, beautiful universes shaped out of ice. Or, it can transform into steam, becoming beautiful, wonderful heavens and hells created out of steam. But ultimately, everything that is created comes out of an ocean. It is a vast, infinite ocean that always was and always will be. Our minds, on the other hand, are part of the space-time continuum. Concepts and theories lie because they seek causation but they’re part of a change. That which is permanent, however, does not change. The ocean which we are is, always has been and always will be.

The universe that we live in now isn’t caused; it just is. All there exists is this vast ocean of consciousness that’s ultimately all it can be. We perceive change and differences because of space and time. But the ultimate reality of who or what we are is this vast ocean of awareness, universes, gods, religion, that are all created out of this oneness. It is this non-dual, non-causal, ultimate reality of who we are.

When we relax we let the mind be still. We connect with that ultimate, true self of who we are by quieting the mind. By just being, there is a connection and we awaken to who we are. It is called enlightenment but it is an awakening to our true self. It is waking up to our ocean, our infinite, everlasting state that is beyond concepts and is who we are.

This is where causality ceases and we just be. When we let go of all our concepts – life, death, self, non-self – and we just be, we enter the ultimate reality: that which always is, and always has been. We awaken to enlightenment. When our minds are still, absolutely still, we wake up to who we are and what we find is that we are no more. What we are is infinite. The small “I” exists no more. Again, it’s like the ice cube melting and realizing “Ah! I’m not an ice cube, I’m an ocean. I always have been and I always will be. I’ve never really ultimately been an ice cube. I’m the ultimate, true, infinite self. Wow!”

The problem is that we often get caught into thinking “Ah! I’m an ice cube. The universe is an ice cube. It’s real. It’s tangible.” But guess what? It will melt away. Someday everything will be gone except for that which always has been and always will be. Be that. You and I are that.
When we wake up to this true, infinite self of who we are, then we relax and are at peace. All is well because we realize that we don’t have to fear anything or desire anything. Everything is and we are that.

Be that and stop identifying with every label you give; there is no more “I” in this state. There just is, without causation.

Resource Box:
Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, author, international speaker, and meditation expert who has been counseling individuals, families, nonprofits, and businesses for over twenty years. A contributing writer to Psychology Today, he has authored numerous books and creates a weekly podcast on happiness at He also creates a weekly podcast on meditation, and a weekly podcast on spiritual enlightenment, His retreat schedules can be found at You also might find his blog useful at If you are interested in having Dr. Puff speak to your organization or company, you can learn more about his speaking services at

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